Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Camping Right!

Chef's Kitchen in Ferenbaugh Campground

Just had to post a couple of pictures at one of the camps down the lane from us.  This guy REALLY likes to cook and has all the equipment to show for it.  He was smoking a Boston butt today and will be cooking wings tonight.  When the wind is right it sure smells good.

Posted by JJ Tucker


  1. Sure would be interesting to see him pack up and then set up at the next campground!
    Perhaps he is there for the season. Looks like a good friend to have when you are hungry!!!

  2. No, he only camps for the weekend. He'll be going to Kiddiebunkport and another campground in MA so far this summer. He just really loves to cook. I really loved the outdoor sink, even hooked to hot water and sewer drain. Didn't take him long to take it down either. He has a 5th wheel and told us that everything has a place and has to return there in order for it all to fit. Said it took him some time to get it exactly right.
